
Trademark Office Actions / Refusals

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Even if an individual who’s looking to file a trademark correctly completes their paperwork, pays the appropriate fees, and renews their trademark regularly, they may still encounter issues with the USPTO. While a careful application process can reduce the likelihood of future problems, even the strongest applications can face complications. If the USPTO issues a refusal, or “Office Action,” then it’s important to address it as soon as possible to protect the legitimacy of your trademark.

An Office Action is an official communication from the USPTO stating that there are issues with your trademark application. These issues can range from simple to complex and may even result in a refusal. A refusal occurs when your application is not accepted due to potential issues with your trademark or application.

Applicants who receive Office Actions are expected to respond in a timely fashion, which is within three months from the date the Office Action was issued. If the issue is not acknowledged within this timeframe, the application will be deemed abandoned by the USPTO. Each Office Action or refusal requires different types of responses, depending on the specific issues raised.

Harrigan IP is well-versed with trademark law and understands common Office Actions and refusals from the USPTO. We can review your application and correspondence to determine the type of issue you’re facing and develop steps to address them quickly and efficiently. We offer personalized support for your trademark and are committed to helping you succeed.

If an official response is needed, we can craft one that offers compelling evidence and arguments to support your trademark. We can also help file it correctly to ensure that the USPTO receives it on time. Additionally, we can monitor your application to track responses or any changes in your status over time. Contact Harrigan IP if you need help with a trademark Office Action or have received a refusal.

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